Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Dog-tired: Mom photographs her toddler Beau and his "puppy brother" Theo"s ...


Ashley Collman

21:24, 16 November 2013


21:30, 16 November 2013

Growing boys need their naps, no matter if they’re human or canine.

When Jessica Shyba and her husband got their three small children a dog this month, they decided to crate train the 7-week-old mixed breed.

But after the first night of whining, Mrs Shyba decided she couldn’t bear to let the puppy named Theo sleep alone again.

And that applies to nap time as well. Every day after her son Beau is put down for his afternoon nap, his ‘puppy brother’ jumps up on the bed to cuddle up and catch a few z’s as well.

Mrs Shyba recently wrote about the daily ritual on her blog, including some unbearably adorable Instagram photos.

The first snooze: Theo started sleeping on his toddler-owner Beau when he accidentally fell asleep on the baby when he was being rocked for an afternoon nap one day

The first snooze: Theo started sleeping on his toddler-owner Beau when he accidentally fell asleep on the baby when he was being rocked for an afternoon nap one day

Mrs Shyba says that the nap time routine started on the third day they had Theo.

Theo was laying on Beau when the toddler was getting rocked for his afternoon nap and Theo passed out as well. Talk about killing two birds with one stone.

‘I was practically howling at the cuteness and nearly woke them both up,’ Mrs Shyba said.

The next day, Theo waited outside the bedroom for nap time and so began what the mom calls ‘the most organic and beautiful relationship I have ever witnessed.’

‘Each day, Theo meets us at nap time and waits patiently for beau to fall asleep. By that time, he’s also sleepy, so when I hoist him onto our bed, he stumbles over Beau and plops right down on top of him. And there they sleep, entwined, for at least two hours,’ she said.

Make yourself comfortable: The Shyba family in Santa Cruz, California got Theo when he was just 7-weeks-old this month

Make yourself comfortable: The Shyba family in Santa Cruz, California got Theo when he was just 7-weeks-old this month

Snuggle buddies: While they intended to crate train the puppy, mother Jessica Shyba decided she couldn

Snuggle buddies: While they intended to crate train the puppy, mother Jessica Shyba decided she couldn’t bear to hear the puppy cry at night

Cozy: Mother Jessica Shyba says she almost woke the two up the first time they fell asleep for a nap because she was

Cozy: Mother Jessica Shyba says she almost woke the two up the first time they fell asleep for a nap because she was ‘practically howling at the cuteness’

Cushy: Theo finds a place to rest his head in Beau

Cushy: Theo finds a place to rest his head in Beau’s armpit

Stretched out: Each day, Theo waits outside the bedroom for nap time and settles in next to Beau once the toddler has fallen asleep

Stretched out: Each day, Theo waits outside the bedroom for nap time and settles in next to Beau once the toddler has fallen asleep

Lean on me: The puppy and the toddler share an uncommon bond

Lean on me: The puppy and the toddler share an uncommon bond

Wrapped up: The two have synched their sleep schedules

Wrapped up: The two have synched their sleep schedules

More to come: Mrs Shyba promises to continue posting nap time pictures on Instagram under the #TheoandBeau

More to come: Mrs Shyba promises to continue posting nap time pictures on Instagram under the #TheoandBeau

Comments (1340)

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Nijah Marie Dyer,

Hamilton, Bermuda,

20 hours ago

Love this! and I’m not even a dog person :) so sweet!

Nijah Marie Dyer,

Hamilton, Bermuda,

20 hours ago



Naugatuck USA,

1 day ago

What beautiful photos. They really capture those tender moments.


NYC, United States,

1 day ago

I get chills thinking what kind of people would vote down on such lovely comments and up on the horrible ones.

Paul Sanders,

mountain view, United States,

1 day ago

who ever thumbed this comment down??? you made me laugh.


NYC, United States,

1 day ago

I get chills thinking what kind of people would vote down on such lovely comments and up on the horrible ones.


Bristol, United Kingdom,

1 day ago

Oh bore off.


Maine USA,

1 day ago

Imagine how much worse our world would be without the companionship of our beloved dogs.

Lisa Walton,

Atlanta, United States,

1 day ago

OMG!! This is the most precious thing I have ever seen…….


Thousand Oaks California USA,

1 day ago

This will be a loving and long lasting bond between a boy and his dog. The innocence and sweetness factor is doubled. ;) I look forward to seeing more pics of these two as they grow up.


Bronx, United States,

1 day ago

This is too much.. 3

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Dog-tired: Mom photographs her toddler Beau and his "puppy brother" Theo"s ...

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