Sunday 6 October 2013

Sound Advice: Small cameras can be big performers

Question: we recently went to a zoo and fast detected that perplexing to concurrently lift a 2-year-old, watch a 5-year-old and get my SLR set for a good shot was not going to work. Not to discuss carrying it around my neck!

I am looking for a little camera that shoots improved than my iPhone 5 though is not large and massive like a SLR. Having Wi-Fi would be nice, though carrying wizz capability and improved looking cinema (especially indoors) is many important.

I wish to find something for reduction than $375.

Campbell, Calif.

Answer: Compact cameras with Wi-Fi offered for reduction than $375 tend to be common design takers. Picture peculiarity is many critical to you, so we am going to suggest cameras that broach a best probable design peculiarity during a price.

I am going to start with a standout discount of a group. The 10.1-megapixel Olympus XZ-1 has a splendid f/1.8-2.5 4x wizz lens and was one of a many rarely regarded cameras in a category when it was introduced. The sensor is physically incomparable than in many compress cameras, and a lens screams of visual perfection. The incomparable sensor, glorious lens and Olympus JPG estimate are an intensely challenging combination.

I tested a XZ-1 a year ago, and a cinema it done were pristine eye candy. we can still remember currently how impossibly pleasing they looked on my high-resolution monitor. They had good tone and were so purify and pointy they done some other little cameras’ cinema demeanour misty in comparison, even if they weren’t indeed hazy.

The XZ-1 has modernized facilities for critical photographers, though it can be used entirely automatically by novices as well. The usually genuine downside is it has 720p HD vs. 1080p HD video.

At introduction a XZ-1 sole for $500. It has been transposed by a XZ-2 indication so we can get this smashing camera online for usually $261 new, or $199 reconditioned by Olympus. As we write this, we am fighting myself from pulling out my credit label and removing one given a price, though we have some-more cameras than we use right now anyway —

A good camera with a rather incomparable form cause is a 12.1-megapixel Pentax MX-1 for $399. The menus are matching to Pentax digital SLRs, and a coronet physique creates it feel plain like a pro camera. Images are really sharp, and a colors are standard Pentax: accurate nonetheless bold, low and bright. (The lens specs are matching to a XZ-1 and it is rumored to be a same lens, though with Pentax’s smashing SMC multicoating.)

I was quite tender with a peep pictures, that looked really healthy and were uniformly lit. Aesthetically we would contend a classical looks make it a best looking camera of my 3 recommendations, generally in silver. It has 1080p HD video. It is bigger and some-more costly than a XZ-1, though does offer some-more —

If we are peaceful to go adult to $450, put a 12.1-megapixel Panasonic LUMIX LF1 on your selling list as well. This tiny, reward camera has a wide-range 7.1x Leica wizz lens, Wi-Fi, and an eye-level electronic viewfinder, a monument in a little camera and really useful with a prolonged telephoto wizz —

Article source:

Sound Advice: Small cameras can be big performers

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