Thursday 19 September 2013

Samsung NX300: Sharp shooter

From home appliances to smartphones and even smart watches, Samsung has launched products in almost all segments of consumer technology. While its smartphones may hog the limelight these days, Samsung has steadily been improving its cameras too. Earlier this year, it launched the Android-based Galaxy Camera. The operating system gave it some advantages, such as access to cloud storage and photo apps (Dropbox, Instagram, Flickr, etc), but the picture quality was a big let-down. Now, we have the NX300, which is a Wi-Fi camera that has interchangeable lenses.

With NX300, Samsung has opted for a retro look. This device reminds of the legendary Pentax and Minolta cameras. The body has a leather finish, which is excellent for grip. At the back, the camera has a touchscreen display and small plastic buttons. Thanks to the touchscreen, using the buttons is not compulsory, which is good because they are a little too small for regular use. The design is an eye-pleasing change, in both looks and function. The NX300 body does not have flash, but Samsung has included an external flash in the box. Just attach the flash to the camera, switch on flash in settings and it works flawlessly.

The NX300 body weighs around 300 grams, but feels heavy once the lens is attached. DSLR users will have no trouble with the weight, but those upgrading from sleek point-and-shoot cameras will feel the weight in their backpacks. The build quality is excellent, so the camera’s girth can be forgiven.

Once you start taking pictures, the camera’s quality will instantly please you. The 20.3-megapixel sensor is very good, and so is the programme auto mode. Pictures are vivid, and the colour reproduction is accurate. In low-light, the pictures looked good, but not above ISO3200. For better low-light performance, users should look at DSLR or competing products.

… contd.


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Samsung NX300: Sharp shooter

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