Friday 6 September 2013

The beauty that lies beneath: Maths teacher stuns the photography world with ...

  • ‘The universe underneath a glacier is like no other place on earth,’ says maths clergyman behind these extraordinary set of photos

  • The fantastic cinema were taken underneath a Mendenhall Glacier in a remote forest of Alaska

  • Each year 31-year-old Kent Mearig visits a consternation of inlet to draft a glacier’s ever-changing progress

  • The considerable light uncover underneath a melting glacier is combined by backing a hovel adult with a rising sun


Stuart Woledge

17:22, 5 Sep 2013


20:06, 5 Sep 2013

These photographs might demeanour as if they have been taken on another planet, though they are indeed a work of a artistic maths clergyman who travels to a consternation of inlet that is Mendenhall Glacier any year to draft a ever-changing progress.

He is mostly indicted of doctoring a images regulating CGI or Photoshop, though 31-year-old Kent Mearig insists that all he has to do to constraint a overwhelming stage from underneath is to precisely line adult a rising object opposite a inside of a tunnels that form a ice sheet.

Other cinema uncover a sum of this healthy consternation shaped by a continual melting and frozen of a glacier up-close.

Spectacular: Maths clergyman Kent Mearig took this considerable cinema from a inside of Mendenhall Glacier in a remote forest of Alaska

Spectacular: Maths clergyman Kent Mearig took these considerable cinema from a inside of Mendenhall Glacier in a remote forest of Alaska

Lightshow: The artistic talent behind a set of photos has managed to constraint a pleasing images by backing adult a rising object with a inside of a frozen tunnel

Lightshow: The artistic talent behind a set of photos has managed to constraint a pleasing images by backing adult a rising object with a inside of a frozen tunnel

Annual visit: Each year Alaskan maths clergyman Kent Mearig pays a outing to a glacier to draft a ever changing swell with his camera

Annual visit: Each year Alaskan 31-year-old Mr Mearig pays a outing to a glacier to draft a ever changing swell with his camera

Ice cold: A tide flows underneath as a frozen melts to water. In a behind a hint of a early morning object can be seen starting to rise

Ice cold: A tide flows underneath as a frozen melts to water. In a behind a hint of a early morning object can be seen starting to rise

Amateur photographer and high propagandize Maths teacher, Kent Mearig, who lives in Alaska, visits a Mendenhall Glacier any year to record a steer of his favourite place.

The 31-year-old explained a greeting his jaw-dropping cinema cause.

He said: ‘People infrequently exclude to trust that there is truly any place in a universe that is a basement for all my photos.

‘They wish to consider that CGI and Photoshop are posing as nature, though anyone who has indeed visited a subglacial cavern can attest for a legitimacy of my photographs.

‘Among all responses, a word we consider I’ve listened many frequently is “otherworldly”, and they’re right.

‘The universe underneath a glacier is like no other place on earth’

Real deal: Mr Mearig is mostly indicted of carrying doctored a photographs regulating CGI or Photoshop, though he insists they are a outcome of healthy light

Real deal: Mr Mearig is mostly indicted of carrying doctored a photographs regulating CGI or Photoshop, though he insists they are a outcome of healthy light

Wilderness: The Mendenhall Glacier stretches 12 miles from a commencement in a Juneau Icefield to where a finish during a corner of a Mendenhall Lake

Wilderness: The Mendenhall Glacier stretches 12 miles from a commencement in a Juneau Icefield to where a finish during a corner of a Mendenhall Lake

Natural wonder: The Mendenhall Glacier in one of America

Natural wonder: The Mendenhall Glacier in one of America’s remotest wildernesses has been shaped by a continual cycle of melting and freezing

The Mendenhall Glacier is roughly 12 miles long, from where it starts in a Juneau Icefield to where a finish during a corner of a Mendenhall Lake in a USA’s many remote forest state, Alaska.

The glacier was named after a US scientist Thomas Corwin Mendenhall.

‘Over a years, a Mendenhall Glacier has turn roughly like a true messenger to me.

‘It’s a place we can count on to soothe highlight and hint creativity. In annoy of a gentle slight grown in large trips to a ice, a Mendenhall Glacier is constantly evolving.

‘It provides unconstrained variation, and leads to my continued fascination.’

Ice ceiling: A quick issuing tide of frozen H2O can be seen here underneath a glacier

Light: In a stretch a object can be seen rising

Ice ceiling: A quick issuing tide of frozen H2O can be seen here on a left underneath a glacier’s canopy. The object rises during a finish of a hovel (right)

Exterior: The Mendenhall Glacier as seen from a outside. The ice piece stretches for 12 miles from a start during Juneau Icefield to a finish during Mendenhall Lake

Inspiration: The Mendenhall Glacier as seen from a outside. Mr Mearig, who visits each year, says it has turn ‘like a true companion’ to him

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we are propitious to be alive.



london, United Kingdom,

07/9/2013 00:25

The issuing H2O in those photos where it looks like haze was really Photoshoped!

- Hoosieratarian , South Bend, United States, 06/9/2013 13:46

Just a delayed shiver speed, substantially somewhere around 1/4 second. I’ve got several cinema of towering streams that I’ve taken where a H2O has a same effect. Usually taken during 100 or 200 ISO with a shiver staying open between .2 and .75 seconds.

Completely Average


Somewhere, United States,

06/9/2013 21:01

The issuing H2O in those photos where it looks like haze was really Photoshoped!

- Hoosieratarian , South Bend, United States, 06/9/2013 13:46….Just a longer bearing being used. Might wish to have a little bit of bargain per a theme before job someone a liar.




06/9/2013 16:47

Not taken with a phone…or Photo shopped…re ‘.Hoosieratarian , South Bend, United 9.33 (Silly Americans!) Great shots with a delayed shutter..!. Beautiful universe we are so propitious to be on!



Cheshire, United Kingdom,

06/9/2013 16:35

Those cinema demeanour like they were taken on another planet, breathtakingly beautiful.



Redditch, United Kingdom,

06/9/2013 16:08

The issuing H2O in those photos where it looks like haze was really Photoshoped!



South Bend, United States,

06/9/2013 13:46

Great set of photo’s, good done!!



Hull, United Kingdom,

06/9/2013 11:30


Andrew Channing


Birmingham, United Kingdom,

06/9/2013 10:44

Far from being ‘remote’, a Mendenhall glacier lies a few miles above a city of Juneau – that we visited a few years ago.

You can indeed expostulate from a city to a lake that is shaped next a depot moraine and it is only a brief travel adult to a caves.

The photos are good – though thousands of people revisit these caves each year, with their kids and a dog. It is not remote or dangerous/

More sensationalism from a DM.




06/9/2013 09:40

Nice pictures. However, It’s not a remote forest – only a brief expostulate from Juneau by a ‘burbs.’ There’s a bazillion debate buses there during a summer.




06/9/2013 09:33

The views voiced in a essence above are those of a users and do not indispensably simulate a views of MailOnline.

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The beauty that lies beneath: Maths teacher stuns the photography world with ...

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