Monday 9 September 2013

Survey: Majority of Non-Pro DSLR Users Use Their Cameras as Point-and-Shoots

Sony is continuing its campaign against the mindless use of DSLRs. After releasing a series of viral videos poking fun at inept DSLR users, Sony is now turning to facts and hard evidence (in addition to humor). The company recently did a survey of 1012 non-professional DSLR users, and the results are pretty interesting.

The company found that roughly 2/3 of casual DSLR users never (or rarely) take their camera out of full-auto mode. 72% purchased their camera simply for fun and for family snapshots, and 65% of those aged 18-29 considered their glorified point-and-shoots DSLRs a status symbol. 1/5 of the people in that age group used their DSLR purely for low-res photos for social media and blogs.

1/3 of the people admitted to not knowing how to use their fancy camera, and 3/4 of them believed that some formal/professional education was required to go beyond full-auto mode.

There was no way that Sony was going to leave these hard facts unmocked. The company brought professional photographer Gary Heery onto the streets of Australia to speak with DSLR owners in person. The viral advertisement above is what resulted.

(via ITWire)

Survey: Majority of Non-Pro DSLR Users Use Their Cameras as Point-and-Shoots

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